AdminIT would like to assist you with finding the best solution for working remotely from home.

The Remote or Home Office Setup

We can’t stress enough the importance of having the right home office setup as it will allow you to be more productive and appear more professional.

Here are some basic tools for working remotely, essential for any home office:

  • Headset
  • Webcam
  • Stable internet Connection
  • Quiet place to work
  • Choosing the correct Connectivity Scenario.

USC Connectivity Scenarios

Here are three different scenarios based on your work requirements and the type of access needed to perform your job. Consider what you need to access to work from home and choose from the following:

Scenario 1: VPN Connection not necessary

I need access to the following software and applications…

Scenario 2: VPN, working from computer at home

I need access to the following software and applications…

Scenario 3: VPN, Remote Desktop computer at home

I need access to the following software and applications…