The Cisco AnyConnect Mobility Client is a downloadable remote access tool that allows users to access certain protected resources and services while they are away from campus.

The VPN can be accessed either via an installed piece of software (“AnyConnect”) on your USC or personal computer or via a web browser. A link to download the client to your computer, as well as a link to access the web VPN, are available below on this page.

The Cisco AnyConnect Mobility Client is also available for download as a free smartphone app. For iOS devices, need link here or search for “Cisco AnyConnect” on the Apple App Store. For Android devices, click here or search for “AnyConnect” on Google Play.

How to install the Cisco AnyConnect mobility client Software


  1. Open a web browser such as Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer
  2. Navigate to
  3. Log in with your USC Shibboleth (workday) credentials
Log in USC Shibboleth
  1. Click on AnyConnect
  2. Click on Download for Windows
Download for Windows
  1. You will see the download in the bottom left corner(if you’re on Chrome).
  2. Once it completes the download, Open the AnyConnect download and install it.
  3. Once the installation is completed, navigate to your Window (Start button) on the bottom left corner of your taskbar. Type in the word cisco and select Cisco AnyConnect, or navigate to the Cisco folder, click on the Cisco folder, then click CiscoAnyConnect.
  1. On the Cisco Anyconnect security Mobility Client, enter
  2. You will then be prompted with a new window. Enter your Shibboleth (Workday) credentials for Username and Password.
shibboleth credentials
  1. Log in with Duo Mobile Two-Factor authentication. For further assistance with this step, please see ITS’s guide on logging in with Duo Mobile.
two factor
  1. Once you’ve authenticated with Duo Mobile, the VPN connection will be established automatically. You should see a notification that you are connected to

and if you open the Cisco AnyConnect program, you’ll see a green check and the words “Connected to”

How to Install VPN Software Windows.


The setup is similiar for the Mac, please navigate to in a web browser to begin the process.

How to Install VPN Software MacOS

Additional Resources